New study proves sodium guidelines are deadly

There’s no other way to put it: Any doc who’s still pushing the government-backed low-sodium diet is a complete ignoramus, plain and simple — because the problem facing most Americans these days isn’t too much salt… it’s TOO LITTLE!

I don’t need to see yet another new study to know those guidelines have been an absolute train wreck — but if you’re under the care of an ignoramus, tell him to get out his copy of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

If he actually reads it instead of leaving it on his desk to impress visitors, he’ll find a new study showing the REAL levels of salt you need: between 4,000 and 6,000 mg a day.

That’s way above the government-recommended limit of 2,300 mg a day, up to quadruple the 1,500 mg a day recommended by the clueless hacks at the American Heart Association, and even well above the average U.S. intake of 3,400 mg a day.

In other words, you might have to BOOST your salt intake to get what you need!

I know that’s not what you’ve been told, but the numbers don’t lie: Patients in the new study who got less than 3,000 mg a day were 8.6 percent more likely to die of heart problems and 5 percent more likely to suffer heart failure than patients who got between 4,000 and 6,000.

Of course it IS possible to get too much salt — and the new study proves that as well. But in this case, “too much” is more than 7,000 mg a day — and the only way you could possibly get that is through a crap-tastic diet of packaged foods, TV dinners, fast foods and other processed yuck.

Cook your own meals from fresh ingredients and salt it to taste, and you’ll have absolutely nothing to worry about.

Now pass me the salt.

by William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

Consider adding essential minerals and vitamins to your diet with Bobs Best Coral Calcium 2000

Sorting fact from fiction on vitamin D

by William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

The clock is running out on 2011, but it looks like there’s still time to squeeze in one last phony vitamin panic.

In this one, researchers claim high levels of vitamin D will boost your risk of serious heart problems — despite what their own study REALLY found: that LOW levels of the sunshine vitamin will up your odds of heart failure, high blood pressure, kidney failure, and diabetes.

Of course, they didn’t want to talk about any of that.

Instead, the presentation at a recent American Heart Association meeting focused on the most freakish conclusion of the entire study: Patients with the highest blood levels of vitamin D — 100 ng/ml or higher — had a bump in the risk of atrial fibrillation.

Why is it freakish? Because I’ve been called an extremist for recommending blood levels of HALF that — 50 ng/ml — and even people who live in the tropics and get constant sun exposure all day long generally hover at around 60 ng/ml.

In other words, these just aren’t optimal or even realistic levels of vitamin D3 — and I’d bet that very few of the 132,000 participants in the new study actually fell into this category.

We don’t know for sure, because the researchers didn’t actually break it down for us.

We also don’t know how many patients fell into the next-highest category, between 80 and 100 ng/ml, but I’d bet this was the next-smallest group — yet these patients actually had the LOWEST A-fib risk of anyone in the study.

That means we’re supposed to believe that 100 ng/ml will prevent the condition — but 101 ng/ml will cause it.


Ignore the panic and take your vitamin D3. Not only are “high” levels safe, but studies have repeatedly found that the sunshine vitamin will boost everything from your cardiovascular health to your immune system.

Winter is here, the sun is low — and you need your D now more than ever.


Just another example of the main stream supporting what Bob Barefoot has been teaching for over 30 years.

Just take your Vitamin D each and every day.


Life on the Reef and Coral Calcium

Coral Calcium and The Reef

The miraculous chains of life events on coral reefs are highly complex. The basic photosynthetic organisms and plant life provide food for herbivorous (vegetarian) inhabitants such as damsel fish, parrot fish, blennies and puffer fish.

The parrot fish plays a unique role in the biomass of reefs. They use their strong teeth to chew away coral, which is ground in their digestive tract and released to form the ground-up, sandy bases of the reef. In fact, parrot fish and similar “coral munchers” are a prime source of marine coral that is harvested as coral calcium.

The reef has many species that sleep by night and play by day or vice versa. The coral reef has a fascinating bio-rhythm with an interplay of thousands of species of fish, worms, sponges, fungi and transient visitors.

The recognition of the diversity life forces to which coral is exposed makes it easier to understand how difficult it may be to define all of the nutrient benefits that may come from coral. There is a lot we do not know about the dynamics of life surrounding coral.

Coral Calcium has great benefits, consider the best, Bobs Best Coral Calcium 2000.

What is the Structure of a Coral Reef?

Coral reefs are sea mountains of minerals which calcium carbonate predominates, along with numerous other inorganic and organic forms of calcium. Calcium is a biological glue and an inorganic building block that is ubiquitous on the planet earth. In order to build a reef, the living coral polyps require specific climatic and ecological conditions. Indeed, coral reefs are most preponderant in warm waters of the ocean which have a range of temperature from 20 degrees C to 30 degrees C, approximately.

Without sunlight the living infrastructure of organisms on the reef that use photosynthesis for nutrition cannot survive. These photosynthetic organisms (zooanthellae-algae) are quite primitive, but efficient in forming a basic nutrient source for the food chain of the reef dwellers. Some marine organisms rely heavily on the photosynthesizing organisms. For example, coral reef sponges obtain the bulk of their nutrients from these organisms and some species of jellyfish harbor photosynthesizes in their tentacles.

Of the vast number of species of coral, two distinct, basic types are recognized. These are the reef-building stony corals and the more delicate soft corals that have an inner skeleton. Not all corals from aggregations into colonies and many soft corals live among the stony corals.

The most interesting aspect of coral is their different and versatile ability to reproduce. They can reproduce by budding in an asexual manner and many polyps can form with remaining connections to its forerunner. Once a year, the corals may spawn filling areas of the reef with massive amounts of eggs and sperm (the reefs are submerged in a cloud if sperm and eggs) which attract plankton eating fish and mammals.

Oceanographers refer to several distinct types of coral reef. The coral reefs in Okinawa are associated with dormant underwater volcanoes and they tend to grow outwards to maintain their submersion in the seas. Fringing reefs are found in the Caribbean and the Great Barrier Reef and related grow along coastal plains which are raised from the seabed. Reefs can grow with amazing variations in architecture that is shaped by the geological circumstances and climate of the ocean.

For the best source for marine grade coral calcium, we recommend Robert Barefoot Coral Calcium.

Reciprocal Harmony of Life in the Seas

The sea contains a massive expanse of life which it supports by its content of “free-floating” minerals and bio-active, nutritional compounds. Water provides an ideal communication pathway for messenger molecules of life. There are free floating hormones in some areas of the sea that are elaborated by certain marine organisms. These ecto-hormones (ecto means “from outside”) can be taken up by various other plants or life-forms in the ocean and cause many biological chain reactions that support the diverse array of marine inhabitants.

The chemical balance in the oceans supports life in complex ways. Therefore, one cannot be surprised by scientific reports that many marine life forms and their environmental waters or habitants, such as coral reefs, produce substances that have potent and versatile biological actions in nature. Marine compounds of various types have been found to be antifungal, antibiotic, anticancer, antiviral, growth inhibiting, analgesic, cardio-stimulatory (or inhibitory) and antangiogenic in their actions.

To add to our appreciation of the health secrets that the oceans contain is the recognition that four fifths of all life on our planet (about one half million species) lives in water. Massive amounts of suspended organic matter are incorporated into the food chain of marine organisms. Furthermore, marine organisms, such as living corals or mussels, process or expose their life cycle to thousands of tons of water. In one estimate, a small colony of mussels (ten million) can process one square mile of sea water that is 25’deep. As “big fish eats little fish” or marine organisms are used in complex food chains, the permutations of transfer of active molecules become limitless. Humankind joins this complex harmony of planetary life when it harvests the offerings of the oceans.

Coral Calcium is a true gift and benefits us greatly as a natural form of minerals and other natural components that we so desperately need to achieve optimal health.  We are not destined for pain and discomfort as we age, we are just led to believe that this is normal.  It’s not! Learn More

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