High Blood Pressure

Scientific Research on Calcium and High Blood Pressure Health Claims
“These data suggest that supplementation of dietary calcium may contribute to a reduction of blood pressure in elderly patients with hypertension”.
Yasuyuki Takagi, Masaaki Fukase, Scoichiro Takata, Tadao Fujimi, and Takuo Fujitta, “Calcium Treatment of Essential Hypertension in Elderly Patients.”, Department of Medicine, Kobe University Scholl of Medicine, Kobe, Japan
“Treatment with oral calcium represents well tolerated nonpharmacologic intervention that lowers blood pressure in patients with mild to moderate hypertension”.
David McCarron, M.D., Cynthia Morris PhD., “Blood Pressure Response to Oral Calcium in Persons with Mild to moderate Hypertension”, Annals of Internal Medicine, December 1985, Volume 103, Number 6, Published by the American College of Physicians, Portland Oregon.
“If calcium intake of the general population were to increase to above 1200 mg, the incidence of hypertension in the elderly might be decreased”.
Ihab Hajjar, M.D., Clarence Grim, M.D., Theadore Kotchen, M.D., “Dietary Calcium Lowers the Age-Related Rise in Blood Pressure in the United States”, The NHANES Survey, Division of Geriatrics, Department of Internal Medicine, Palmetto Health Alliance University of South Carolina and the Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI.
“Conclusion, Dietary calcium is inversely related to systolic blood pressure in young children”
Matthew Gillman, M.D., Susan Oliveria, MPH, Curtis Ellison, M.D., “Inverse Association of Dietary Calcium With Systolic Blood Pressure in Young Children”, From the Evans section of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology, Boston School of Medicine, Dr Gillman is the recipient of a Physician Investigator Award, American Heart Association.
“The results of our investigation show that the high calcium diet blunts the development of high blood pressure and may protect against the development of hypertension”.
Wasswa Semafuko, and David Morris, “Effect of High Calcium Diet on the Development of High Blood Pressure”, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, The Miriam Hospital Division of Biology and Medicine, Brown University, Providence Rhode Island, USA.
“The systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressures of rats fed calcium were significantly lower compared to rats of the other groups”.
N Buassi, “High Dietary Calcium Decreases Blood Pressure in rats”, Department de Ciencias Fisiologicas, Centro de Ciencias Biologicas Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil
“The results of our research indicate that calcium restriction accelerates salt-induced hypertension”
M Nakamura, M.D., H Suzuki, M.D., H Yamakawa, M.D., Y Ohno, M.D., T Saruta, M.D., “Calcium Restriction Accelerates Salt-Induced Hypertension”, Department of Internal Medicine, Scholl of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Japan
“Calcium intake has been implicated as being important in the development and treatment of hypertension”.
R. Schieffer, and A. Gairard, “Blood Pressure Effects of Calcium Intake in Experimental Models of Hypertension”, Institut de Recherche contre les Cancers, Hopitaux Universitaires, Strasburg, Faculte de Pharmacie, Universite Louis Pasteur, France.
“More than 80 studies have reported lowered blood pressure after dietary calcium enrichment in experimental models of hypertensions.”
D,C, Hatton and D.A. McCarron, Dietary calcium and blood Pressure in Experimental Models of Hypertension”, Hypertension, 1994, April 23, (4):513-30, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland.
“Low calcium in the diet is a mechanism increasing systolic blood pressure”
K.J. Lai, K Dakshinamurti, The Relationship Between Low-Calcium-Induced Increase in systolic Blood Pressure”, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Canada.
“Dietary calcium supplementation normalizes blood pressure in rats and may prevent hypertension”.
t. Butler, J. Cameron, K Kirchner, “Dietary calcium Supplementation Restores blood Pressure in Rats”, Jackson State university, Mississippi, Am J Hypertens, 1995 June 8 (6):615-21.
“High levels of dietary calcium attenuate the elevation of arterial blood pressure induce by salt in dogs”
Emmanuel Bravo and Yo Kageyama, “Dietary Calcium Supplementation Prevents the Development of Hypertension in Salt-Treated Dogs”, Endocrine/Hypertension Research Laboratory, Research Institute Cleveland, Department of Internal Medicine, National Tochigi Hospital, Japan.
“The blood pressure-lowering effects of dietary calcium is associated with blunting of thrombin-induced increase in platelet cytosolic calcium”.
Ramachandra Rao, Youxhen Yan, and Yanyuan Wu., “Dietary Calcium Reduces Blood Pressure” Calcium Hypertension Research Lab, Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science, Los Angeles, California.
NOTE: Despite all of these massive scientific claims regarding the health benefits of calcium to cancer, blood pressure, kidney stones, bone fractures and menstrual disorders, Barefoot making reference to these facts in his infomercial has been outlawed by the FTC which refuses to accept any of the scientific substantiation.

Scientific Research on Calcium and High Blood Pressure Health Claims

“These data suggest that supplementation of dietary calcium may contribute to a reduction of blood pressure in elderly patients with hypertension”.

Yasuyuki Takagi, Masaaki Fukase, Scoichiro Takata, Tadao Fujimi, and Takuo Fujitta, “Calcium Treatment of Essential Hypertension in Elderly Patients.”, Department of Medicine, Kobe University Scholl of Medicine, Kobe, Japan

“Treatment with oral calcium represents well tolerated nonpharmacologic intervention that lowers blood pressure in patients with mild to moderate hypertension”.

David McCarron, M.D., Cynthia Morris PhD., “Blood Pressure Response to Oral Calcium in Persons with Mild to moderate Hypertension”, Annals of Internal Medicine, December 1985, Volume 103, Number 6, Published by the American College of Physicians, Portland Oregon.

“If calcium intake of the general population were to increase to above 1200 mg, the incidence of hypertension in the elderly might be decreased”.

Ihab Hajjar, M.D., Clarence Grim, M.D., Theadore Kotchen, M.D., “Dietary Calcium Lowers the Age-Related Rise in Blood Pressure in the United States”, The NHANES Survey, Division of Geriatrics, Department of Internal Medicine, Palmetto Health Alliance University of South Carolina and the Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI.

“Conclusion, Dietary calcium is inversely related to systolic blood pressure in young children”

Matthew Gillman, M.D., Susan Oliveria, MPH, Curtis Ellison, M.D., “Inverse Association of Dietary Calcium With Systolic Blood Pressure in Young Children”, From the Evans section of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology, Boston School of Medicine, Dr Gillman is the recipient of a Physician Investigator Award, American Heart Association.

“The results of our investigation show that the high calcium diet blunts the development of high blood pressure and may protect against the development of hypertension”.

Wasswa Semafuko, and David Morris, “Effect of High Calcium Diet on the Development of High Blood Pressure”, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, The Miriam Hospital Division of Biology and Medicine, Brown University, Providence Rhode Island, USA.

“The systolic and diastolic arterial blood pressures of rats fed calcium were significantly lower compared to rats of the other groups”.

N Buassi, “High Dietary Calcium Decreases Blood Pressure in rats”, Department de Ciencias Fisiologicas, Centro de Ciencias Biologicas Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brasil

“The results of our research indicate that calcium restriction accelerates salt-induced hypertension”

M Nakamura, M.D., H Suzuki, M.D., H Yamakawa, M.D., Y Ohno, M.D., T Saruta, M.D., “Calcium Restriction Accelerates Salt-Induced Hypertension”, Department of Internal Medicine, Scholl of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Japan

“Calcium intake has been implicated as being important in the development and treatment of hypertension”.

R. Schieffer, and A. Gairard, “Blood Pressure Effects of Calcium Intake in Experimental Models of Hypertension”, Institut de Recherche contre les Cancers, Hopitaux Universitaires, Strasburg, Faculte de Pharmacie, Universite Louis Pasteur, France.

“More than 80 studies have reported lowered blood pressure after dietary calcium enrichment in experimental models of hypertensions.”

D,C, Hatton and D.A. McCarron, Dietary calcium and blood Pressure in Experimental Models of Hypertension”, Hypertension, 1994, April 23, (4):513-30, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland.

“Low calcium in the diet is a mechanism increasing systolic blood pressure”

K.J. Lai, K Dakshinamurti, The Relationship Between Low-Calcium-Induced Increase in systolic Blood Pressure”, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Canada.

“Dietary calcium supplementation normalizes blood pressure in rats and may prevent hypertension”.

t. Butler, J. Cameron, K Kirchner, “Dietary calcium Supplementation Restores blood Pressure in Rats”, Jackson State university, Mississippi, Am J Hypertens, 1995 June 8 (6):615-21.

“High levels of dietary calcium attenuate the elevation of arterial blood pressure induce by salt in dogs”

Emmanuel Bravo and Yo Kageyama, “Dietary Calcium Supplementation Prevents the Development of Hypertension in Salt-Treated Dogs”, Endocrine/Hypertension Research Laboratory, Research Institute Cleveland, Department of Internal Medicine, National Tochigi Hospital, Japan.

“The blood pressure-lowering effects of dietary calcium is associated with blunting of thrombin-induced increase in platelet cytosolic calcium”.

Ramachandra Rao, Youxhen Yan, and Yanyuan Wu., “Dietary Calcium Reduces Blood Pressure” Calcium Hypertension Research Lab, Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science, Los Angeles, California.

NOTE: Despite all of these massive scientific claims regarding the health benefits of calcium to cancer, blood pressure, kidney stones, bone fractures and menstrual disorders, Barefoot making reference to these facts in his infomercial has been outlawed by the FTC which refuses to accept any of the scientific substantiation.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.