Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid – Nature’s Moisturizer


hyaluronic acid

High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid (HA) can be found in all joints, eyes and connective tissues where it lubricates the moveable parts of your body.  The wear and tear of our body is maintained and resisted by Hyaluronic Acid, but as we age, our HA levels drop and as a result we begin to notice deterioration of our body.


High molecular weight, natural source and thickness are all crucial in the supplementation of our body’s declining reserves.  As we age the viscosity of the joint fluid breaks down and becomes thin and unable to cushion the joint cartilage. This leads to increased friction and corrosion on the cartilage surfaces of the joints. Hyaluronic Acid helps to restore the normal viscosity of your joint fluid and to prevent further damage to your joints.


Although Hyaluronic Acid can be found naturally in all bone and connective tissues, it has the greatest concentration in the skin tissue. It is found in both the deep underlying dermal areas as well as the visible epidermal top layers. Young skin contains large amounts of HA which helps keep it smooth and elastic, but just as with bone and connective tissue, HA in the skin decreases with age. The body struggles to produce Hyaluronic Acid which leaves the skin unhealthy and wrinkled.


Each of our Hyaluronic Acid products yields the highest quality ingredients to restore Hyaluronic Acid deficiency throughout the body.  To meet your specific needs we provide various forms of Hyaluronic Acid including pure, oral liquid, as well as skin serum and skin cream solutions.  Improve your life today with effective, high quality Hyaluronic Acid!


View our extensive product line that can help you:

-Soothe and Moisturize Joints and Muscles

– Improve Skin Appearance

– Nourish and Rejuvenate

– Restore Mobility

    – Safely Relieve Joint Pain

Coral Calcium

Coral Calcium – Goes Beyond Bone Healing

Learn more by calling 800-210-1268

With the increasing number of health supplements these days, you might get confused as to which product will bring you more benefits.

First, you have to ask yourself, “What kind of supplement does your body need?” If you think, it’s bone healing that your body requires, then why don’t you go for a complete calcium mineral supplement?

Calcium is a very important mineral needed by the body in order to have stronger bones. But do you know that the benefit of calcium does not end there? It actually goes beyond healing and that is through a supplement known as coral calcium.

What is coral calcium?

As the name implies, coral calcium comes from coral reefs, which are living organisms that can be found in the ocean off the islands of Okinawa. However, this supplement is not produced directly from living coral reefs, but instead from the remains of a deceased one. When these coral reefs die naturally, the old replaced coral descends to the ocean floor and eventually settles in pockets about 3 to 5 miles from the reef.  This is where is it ecologically harvested by a company licensed through the Japanese government. It is called coral calcium, because it is really high in calcium but is also contains magnesium and other mineral content because of the tiny polyps that feed on lots of mineral-rich plankton.

Listen to the Audio by Bob Barefoot Here!

How does coral calcium benefit you, aside from bone healing?

Although there are no clear medical evidences or clinical studies which can prove that coral calcium can treat over 200 diseases, it is still proven to be beneficial in many other ways. These include the following:

1.) Promotes the healthy functioning of the heart
2.) Lowers blood pressure
3.) Makes teeth stronger
4.) Helps nutrients disperse across the cell membranes
5.) Combats osteoporosis
6.) Reduces pregnancy problems
7.) Reduces premenstrual syndrome
8.) Alleviates the body from “free radical damage”
9.) Prevents degenerative diseases
10.) Helps overcome calcium deficiency

Can coral calcium fight diseases?

As mentioned above, although some manufacturers claim that coral calcium can cure over 200 diseases, including cancer, this is still left unproven. But as far as fighting diseases is concerned, it can very much provide that. However, other healthy measures should be observed such as consumption of a well rounded diet including coral calcium, reasonable amounts of protein, plant-based nutrients, regular exercise, and living a less stressful lifestyle.

Learn more about the Best Coral Calcium – Bob’s Best Coral Calcium 2000

Life on the Reef and Coral Calcium

Coral Calcium and The Reef

The miraculous chains of life events on coral reefs are highly complex. The basic photosynthetic organisms and plant life provide food for herbivorous (vegetarian) inhabitants such as damsel fish, parrot fish, blennies and puffer fish.

The parrot fish plays a unique role in the biomass of reefs. They use their strong teeth to chew away coral, which is ground in their digestive tract and released to form the ground-up, sandy bases of the reef. In fact, parrot fish and similar “coral munchers” are a prime source of marine coral that is harvested as coral calcium.

The reef has many species that sleep by night and play by day or vice versa. The coral reef has a fascinating bio-rhythm with an interplay of thousands of species of fish, worms, sponges, fungi and transient visitors.

The recognition of the diversity life forces to which coral is exposed makes it easier to understand how difficult it may be to define all of the nutrient benefits that may come from coral. There is a lot we do not know about the dynamics of life surrounding coral.

Coral Calcium has great benefits, consider the best, Bobs Best Coral Calcium 2000.

What is the Structure of a Coral Reef?

Coral reefs are sea mountains of minerals which calcium carbonate predominates, along with numerous other inorganic and organic forms of calcium. Calcium is a biological glue and an inorganic building block that is ubiquitous on the planet earth. In order to build a reef, the living coral polyps require specific climatic and ecological conditions. Indeed, coral reefs are most preponderant in warm waters of the ocean which have a range of temperature from 20 degrees C to 30 degrees C, approximately.

Without sunlight the living infrastructure of organisms on the reef that use photosynthesis for nutrition cannot survive. These photosynthetic organisms (zooanthellae-algae) are quite primitive, but efficient in forming a basic nutrient source for the food chain of the reef dwellers. Some marine organisms rely heavily on the photosynthesizing organisms. For example, coral reef sponges obtain the bulk of their nutrients from these organisms and some species of jellyfish harbor photosynthesizes in their tentacles.

Of the vast number of species of coral, two distinct, basic types are recognized. These are the reef-building stony corals and the more delicate soft corals that have an inner skeleton. Not all corals from aggregations into colonies and many soft corals live among the stony corals.

The most interesting aspect of coral is their different and versatile ability to reproduce. They can reproduce by budding in an asexual manner and many polyps can form with remaining connections to its forerunner. Once a year, the corals may spawn filling areas of the reef with massive amounts of eggs and sperm (the reefs are submerged in a cloud if sperm and eggs) which attract plankton eating fish and mammals.

Oceanographers refer to several distinct types of coral reef. The coral reefs in Okinawa are associated with dormant underwater volcanoes and they tend to grow outwards to maintain their submersion in the seas. Fringing reefs are found in the Caribbean and the Great Barrier Reef and related grow along coastal plains which are raised from the seabed. Reefs can grow with amazing variations in architecture that is shaped by the geological circumstances and climate of the ocean.

For the best source for marine grade coral calcium, we recommend Robert Barefoot Coral Calcium.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms

Are You Experiencing Low Energy?
Feeling Anxious or Depressed?
Forgetting Things?
You’re Low on Vitamin B12!

An estimated 46 million Americans are deficient . . .
The standard blood test for B12 is inaccurate . . .
And many low quality B12 supplements don’t work . . .

How can one vitamin be so important? Because vitamin B12 is vital to the energy production of virtually every cell in your body . . .

It also works with dozens of important enzymes for a whole host of biochemical processes that are essential to good health.

So if you’re vitamin B12 deficient — and millions of Americans are — you’re going to develop unpleasant symptoms, and even serious health problems.

The standard blood test for vitamin B12 is wildly inaccurate. People are being told they’re fine, when in fact they’re deficient.

That means the cause of your symptoms is either not being treated, or it’s being mistreated.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is very common in people over age 40 because of our nutrient-starved modern diet, reliance on harsh drugs, and overuse of antacids.

We have great news for you today!

Bob’s incredible supplement Bob’s Best Coral Calcium 2000 has been recently upgraded to provide even more of the essential high quality vitamin b12 benefits that you so desperately need.

Just one more benefit that Bob provides in his amazing high quality supplement Coral Calcium 2000.  High quality, highly absorbable and effective Vitamin B12!

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