Different Types of Coral Calcium

Coral Calcium Types – An Explanation

It is important to recognize that two broad, but distinct types of coral calcium, are used as health giving supplements by the Japanese and many people throughout the world.

The first type is fossilized coral calcium that has been deposited on the land mass, or washed up on the beaches. The second type is taken directly from the sea bed. The sea-bed coral calcium is the coral that has dropped from the reef or is processed by reef inhabitants. This type of “coral sand” has been washed to the ocean floor by wave actions. Marine coral calcium is closer in composition to the living forms of corals, because the marine microbes are still active and many minerals and organic elements are retained, in comparison to fossilized, land-based coral.

These are important differences in composition between fossilized (land-based) and marine (sea-bed) coral calcium. Marine coral calcium contains more magnesium, and the balance of calcium (24%) to magnesium (12%) content of this second type of marine coral is close to 2:1. This 2 to 1 ratio is the ideal ratio for calcium and magnesium intake in the human diet.

My research has led me to believe strongly that the natural, magnesium enriched, marine coral calcium is to be strongly preferred as a health giving supplement over land based (fossilized coral), which contains less than 1% magnesium. This superiority of the marine coral is due to its retained, ideal, ionic balance of calcium and magnesium in a 2:1 ratio, and the fact that for the fossilized type, a host of other nutrients were also washed out during weathering processes.

Choose the best product available, Bob’s Best Coral Calcium 2000 which has a full of 2,000 mg per daily serving of Marine Coral Calcium.

Bob Barefoot

Chemist, Author, Lecturer on Coral Calcium and Vitamin D3 Supplementation.

Are Nutrients Dangerous?

By: Dr. Russell Blaylock

If you ask the media, the answer is: Sure, everyone knows that! You’ll get the same answer from the medical elite. But what does the hard data show?

A recent study from the annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, published in the journal “Clinical Toxicology,” found no deaths from vitamin/mineral supplements. Once again, that is ZERO deaths.

A friend of mine collects data for both pharmaceutical-related deaths and natural supplement-related deaths. Several years ago, he found that there were about 100,000 deaths per year for pharmaceutical drugs and none for natural supplements.

To put this into perspective, over a 10-year period, pharmaceuticals kill 1 Million people — that is, more than all the Americans killed in World War I, Wold War II, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War — combined.

Despite this glaring disparity, the government and the medical elite think we need to outlaw over-the-counter, natural supplements because they are just too dangerous. For more information on the dangers of medical care by elites see the book “Death by Modern Medicine” by Carolyn Dean.

Coral Calcium Supreme is the product for you. What do you have to lose?


Low Vitamin D

Low Vitamin D

Biological Partners

Why Calcium? Why Vitamin D3?

Every time we turn on the radio we hear that calcium is good for you.  All foods are being stuffed with calcium.  Television is also full of the same advertising telling us that calcium is good for us, but no one will tell us why, other than it makes us healthy.  But how??? And Why???

Also, if indeed calcium is so good for us, then its biological partner, Vitamin d,  must be just as good, but no one has been extolling the virtues of vitamin d until just recently.  One thing for sure is that the American public needs to be told in simple terms why and how these nutrients make us healthy and how low vitamin d is causing us great harm.

The answer, ironically, is indeed simple.  First, there is more calcium in the human body than any other mineral.  It is involved in hundreds of biological functions crucial to life.  Excess calcium is stored in the bones to replenish calcium levels when the body is calcium deficient in order to perform its crucial biological functions.  However, to maintain health, this bone calcium must be replaced, and unfortunately, calcium is one of the hardest minerals for the body to absorb.  So where should you get your calcium?

Of course in the beginning it is mother’s milk from which much of her immunity to disease is also transferred to the infant.  Then, because we are not animals who will eat bushels of calcium rich grass, most of us get our calcium from cows’ milk but as we get older we drink less and less milk and many of us shy away from dairy products, meaning that our bones slowly become depleted in calcium.

But that is not all that happens.  When the body has adequate calcium, it has an ability to ward off disease and to maintain youth.  Wow!! That is a big claim and fortunately, it has all been proven by the scientific community, as can  be seen in the chapter on scientific quotations in Bob’s book called Barefoot on Vitamin D.

The human intestine is lined with human vitamin d receptors known as VDR’s.  These VDR’s are also present in the bone and kidney as well as in the parathyroid glands.  When the VDR’s are full of vitamin-D (about 5000 iu of vitamin d is required for this) then the intestine is capable of absorbing 2000% more calcium.  “VDR’s are also found in the melanoma cells, breast carcinoma cells and osteo-sarcoma cells where vitamin d inhibits the proliferation of cancer as well as in the pancreas where vitamin d enhances the production of insulin; in the heart muscle where vitamin d enhances ventricular contractility; and in many other organs where it plays a crucial biological role.”  The American Public must be made aware of the 1-2 punch provided by the biological Partners Calcium and Vitamin D and the scientific fact that they must be taken in conjunction with one another.

Bob recommends the use of three Bobs Best Coral Calcium 2000 and 3 of his Bobs Best Vitamin D3.